Arts Impact’s professional learning programs enable classroom teachers to teach standards-based arts concepts, skills and techniques, and to infuse the arts into other core curricular areas. Professional learning is experiential, sustained and practical, supporting successful change in instructional practice and improvement in student outcomes.
Arts Impact collaborates with teaching artists from the communities we serve as well as school and district leaders, teachers, families, funders and community partner organizations to weave arts infused learning into the wrap-around services provided for our brilliant and most vulnerable children. In addition to direct arts learning opportunities for children and youth, and professional learning programs for teachers and family support staff, Arts Impact provides family arts nights and take-home art supply kits to support parents and guardians in using the arts to guide their children’s learning at home.

In all of our programs, Arts Impact seeks to provide teachers with career-changing professional learning, collaboratively develop culturally grounded arts infused curriculum, and build capacity for schools and districts to adopt arts infused strategies to close opportunity gaps for children of color and poverty. We have long-term partnerships with urban schools and districts in the Puget Sound region as well as many rural, small town and Tribal districts across the state. In addition to these primary program areas, Arts Impact also works with individual schools to serve PreK through Grade 8 youth.
By providing step-by-step strategies to teach in and through the arts, Arts Impact helps teachers bring art into their everyday classroom experience. Arts Impact teachers learn to teach to the whole child and to reach students who may struggle with traditional approaches to learning.
Course content includes:
• Dance, Theater and Visual Arts foundational concepts, skills and techniques
• Lesson aligned with National Core Arts Standards, Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and Washington State Early Learning Guidelines
• Arts-infused teaching and learning strategies
• Criteria-based performance assessment strategies
• Classroom management strategies for teaching in the arts
• Planning, teaching, and assessing practicum with an Artist Mentor coach
• Lesson plan development
• Planning for sustainability