Sarah Lane, featured in our Teacher Impact Series last month, created this lesson for her second graders with Artist Mentor Carol Gould. Read our interview with Sarah to learn more!

In this lesson, students reviewed attributes of shapes and parts of shapes in art and in a story. They discussed shapes that are seen in their environments. Students imagined and created a cityscape composed from shapes and use warm, neutral, and cool colors in the final, colored composition. View the complete lesson.

Students read City Shapes and Tar Beach to examine shapes, color, layering, mood. They practiced using a ruler to draw geometric shapes, made sketches of their own imaginary cities, and created final drafts on watercolor paper. They worked with watercolor pencils to add color and discussed the way their colors and shapes conveyed moods.
Enduring Understanding:
Geometric shapes have specific attributes and can be partitioned and combined. Warm, cool, and neutral colors can convey a setting and/or mood
The 2nd graders thrived on this lesson. They were able to authentically use a math tool (ruler) and geometric knowledge to create a composition, and not just a composition, but a creative city of their own imagination, after seeing art and illustrations modeling geometric-inspired cities. The kids were so eager for each day to add on to the process- from sketching to watercolor pencils. Carol, artist mentor, was a wonderful support, as I could count on her to help me in making sure the kids could have all direction, they needed in using the art supplies. Working with her to create the lesson helped us to consider many angles of the geometry-arts connection and management online. It was a special challenge and responsibility for the children and teachers both to be doing this remotely, but it was an engaging success for all. In the future when doing this lesson again, I would like to do more of a gallery walk with the children and reflection–something I took for granted in an in-person, physical space! However, with taking screen pictures during our meeting and posting pictures emailed to me in our shared digital space, the kids could still celebrate each other’s art.
Sarah Lane, 2nd grade teacher
“Working with Sarah Lane helped me see that students can be deeply engaged in learning and benefit from Arts instruction any time, anywhere and in unusual “classroom” situations. Sarah creates an atmosphere of respect and support even through the screen. There were moments when it felt like we were all in her classroom together learning about Art and Math concepts and enjoying fun art supplies together.” -Carol Gould, Teaching Artist

One of the cool things about art is at the end what color the water changes. Right now my water is orange.
I like art time because it’s fun because we get to draw.
Participating students
[My student] had allot of fun doing the art and was even teaching her friends how to do it and her younger siblings. So cool that they got this opportunity even in the remote learning times. Thanks so much!Parent of a participating student
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