Arts Impact operates six professional development models, enabling preschool through middle school teachers to incorporate the arts into their students’ basic education through an intense two-year program that emphasizes hands-on learning through one-on-one artist/teacher mentorships. Each model has a specific focus, common goals and key features address the critical needs of teachers, students, and schools.
Read how arts infused learning is closing the opportunity gap.
- Empower classroom teachers to become competent, confident leaders of standards-based arts lessons
- Close the opportunity gap
- Infuse the arts into the core classroom curriculum
- Improve student learning across the curriculum
- Increase equity and access to quality arts instruction
Key Features
- Arts-infused learning: shared concepts between the arts and other disciplines
- Sustained and job-embedded professional learning
- Classroom coaching provided by Artist Mentors
- Standards–based arts-infused curricula aligned with National Core Arts Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards
- Concept-based approach to curriculum and assessments
- Performance-based assessments
- Culturally relevant teaching practice
- Arts foundations
- Student cultural study trips: professional exemplars of the arts
- Alignment with current educational research
- Program evaluation
- Administrative leadership and organizational support
- Common lesson plan format
- Mix of funding sources
- Key Features(PDF, 1.6MB)
In complement to Program Key Features:
- Learning communities
- Whole school programs
- Principal professional learning
- Shared cultural resources
- Graduate credit and clock hours
Arts Impact’s programs include: Arts Foundations & Arts Infusion; Arts & Math Infusion; Arts & Reading Infusion; Arts & Writing Infusion; Early Learning; Middle School; Arts EnviroChallenger/EcoArts; and Arts FUNdamentals.
Arts Impact’s research projects include: STEM: Arts-infused Learning (SAIL); Arts Impact Dissemination and Expansion (AIDE); Teacher Training: Arts as Literacy Plus (TTAL+); Teacher Training: Arts as Literacy (TTAL); Math through Artistic Pathways (MAP); Arts Impact/Arts Leadership (AI/AL); and Training Teachers to Teach the Arts. Each program is based on research and is data-driven to guide improvement and demonstrate impact.
Arts Impact’s Mission: Arts Impact engages educators, children, and youth from BIPOC and Migratory families as well as other marginalized communities in culturally grounded, arts integrated learning so that each student thrives academically, artistically, socially and emotionally.