The 2021 Creative Impact Summer Institutes provided culturally grounded training in Arts Infusion and Social Studies for early learning and elementary teachers. The goals of this collaborative learning project are to empower educators as confident leaders in standards-based art lessons as well as standards-based core curriculum lessons which the art curriculum it is infused with, and to increase equity and access to quality arts instruction infused within the core curriculum. Arts Impact works to enable teachers to teach and infuse the arts so each child can discover their strengths and thrive. When we do this systemically with a racial equity lens, we eliminate opportunity gaps, and every child can achieve at the highest levels.
35 educators from 16 elementary schools in the Bremerton, Kent, Prosser, Seattle, Sequim, and Tacoma School Districts and the Multi-Cultural Child and Family Hope Center attended 2 separate 5-day Institutes. 16 educators attended in-person at the Dumas Bay Centre in Federal Way, August 9-13. 19 educators attended virtually on Zoom, August 16-20.
See the complete report below